All our dentists adhere to the strict guidelines governing the profession under strict guidance from the General Dental Council (GDC) "Standards for Dental Professionals".
Dr Shakil Umerji
BDS, DDSc (Endo), MFDS RCS Ed, MEndo RCS EdGDC No. 258059
Shakil graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2015 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Surgery, then passed his MFDS examinations to become a Member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 2017. He has always had a passion for Endodontics and has completed a full-time specialist training programme (DDSc Endodontics) at the University of Liverpool. His doctoral research project focused on the assessment of endodontic case complexity and its application in teaching and clinical practice. Shakil successfully completed his specialty membership examination (MEndo) at the RCS Edinburgh in 2021.
Shakil has experience in both practice and hospital environments. He initially continued his postgraduate training as a DCT/SHO in multiple specialties, particularly within Restorative Dentistry and OMFS departments. He was then appointed as an Academic Clinical Fellow/Specialty Registrar in Endodontics at the Liverpool University Dental Hospital in 2018. Shakil is now working both as a Specialist Endodontist in referral practice and as a Clinical Lecturer at the University of Liverpool, where he supervises undergraduate students and specialty trainees.
We take pride in providing the highest standard of care at ICE and believe that only the best is good enough for our patients. As such, Shakil completes all endodontic procedures using a state-of-the-art dental microscope. We accept referrals for consultations, root canal treatment (primary and retreatment), management of endodontic emergencies, dentoalveolar trauma and we are also happy to provide definitive restorations as required.